Thursday, February 25, 2010
The White House Health Care Same-Day Delivery Option
EMBED-Truck Attempts To Cross Flooded Road - Watch more free videos
(Remember, it doesn't really matter because there's nothing in the truck. It's all about the driver.)
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Wreckers of the Economy Will Be Rooted Out!
The Enlightened Redneck:
The bureaucrats and politicians in Washington are out to get Toyota because of ongoing recalls of the Japanese automaker’s popular vehicles. The House held one hearing yesterday, and another is scheduled for today. Toyota also is target of a U.S. criminal probe and a Securities and Exchange Commission investigation.
This morning SBD chanced to hear a caller on a radio talk show wonder in dismay about why the Japanese CEO of Toyota had not yet committed suicide, but, short of that, he allowed that he would be satisfied to see long prison sentences for Toyota America's executive suite.
Yes, bring on the show trials!
The WSJ's Kimberly Strassel suggests that the government's aggressive stance is quite possibly spinning out control and the pols are nervous about it:
Yet having revved up the drama, the administration is now all but obliged to take action against Toyota, say with civil penalties. Mr. Rockefeller and other Democrats with ties to the carmaker are under pressure to get rough. And if Toyota bungles Washington as badly as it did the initial recall PR, this could go on a long time.
Toyota has not yet laid off a single one of its 34,000 U.S. workers, but that may change. Only a year ago, Democrats were wailing about economic damage if GM or Chrysler went bust. They forestalled that with government ownership. They, and Toyota, are now dealing with the all-too-easy-to-predict political behavior that followed such meddling in the private economy.
Yes, Toyota's products cettainly have a problem and they may or may not have taken it seriously. They are now. And they are attempting to fix it. And it will cost them a few billion in the process and quite a few unionized floors in order to ensure a quality product going forward. But that is all irrelevent. They opened the closet and hanging there for them is but one three piece suit of corporate greed, corruption and obeisance. The Obamocracy is their tailor. When all is said and done, Toyota will dress strictly to the left.
Friday, February 12, 2010
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Priorities In the Midst of Climate Change
This list is even more important as SBD just now espies the first tiny frozen messengers of the next blizzard promised to reduce the capital of Lady Hopeandchange into an eyeball scratching, last-packet-of-bacon-snatching hell-bitch.
Even before the promised foot or more of Round Two has fallen, county schools have simply decided that they are not up to the task of entertaining our children with their latest mind experiments for the rest of the week. SBD awaits word from the U.S. Office of Personnel Management as to whether it will unleash that wave of human destruction known as the federal workforce, calling them downtown to conduct the business of the Educated Class.
Regardless, SBD will not be distracted from his list.
Friday, February 5, 2010
Today's Disturbing Chart of the Economy!
Today, the Labor Department reported that nonfarm payrolls (jobs) decreased by 20,000 in January. Today's chart puts that decline into perspective by comparing job losses following the beginning of the current economic recession (solid red line) to that of the last recession (dashed gold line) and the average recession from 1950-1999 (dashed blue line).
As today's chart illustrates, the current job market has suffered losses that are more than triple as much as what occurs at the lows of the average recession/job loss cycle. It is also worth noting that 25 months after an average recession/job loss cycle began during the second half of the 20th century, the job market recouped all losses and was already in process of adding new jobs. At the same 25 month mark during the 21st century, the job market was still suffering losses.
That bit o' history will cost you $5 a glass. Not bad really.In the 1930's and 1940's, the port town of Foynes in South-West Ireland was a major transfer point for passenger flying boats between the United States and Europe. The eighteen hour journey across the vast Atlantic Ocean was often a very bumpy and chilly ride.
Realising that the passengers were often cold and exhausted after their long flight, Brendan O'Regan and Joe Sheridan (the manager and chef of the Foynes terminal restaurant respectively), concocted a drink to lift the spirits and warm the hearts of every passenger that touched down in Foynes. The Irish Coffee was born.