Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Tom Friedman Is An Ass, Don't You Be One, Too.

Rod Dreher over at Crunchy Con finds himself in the position of having to agree with Tom Friedman's exasperation with the choice of Sarah Palin. Because, no doubt, if not for that choice, Mr. Friedman would be all over the Republican ticket. In Rod's diminishing economic world, the choice of Sarah Palin is "bizarre." It goes so far as to induce a "heavy sigh" in Mr. Dreher.

What is bizarre is that anyone takes Tom Friedman, the world's premier "futurist," or "momentist" or "presentist" or "six monthsist" or whatever other made up name his publisher recommends to aid sales of the next piece of dreck he releases to clarify the previous piece of dreck he wrote.

In his NYT's column (and SBD prefers not to link to those bastards), Tom Friedman, with a straight face no doubt created with an extra injection of Botox as he tours the world salons to huck a book, finds conservatives on the brink of insanity as they embrace a youthful professional politician from what he grudingly accepts as a State in our Union. Apparently, Mr. Flat Earth cannot accept that all that connectedness he loves to write about might make someone from Alaska as relevant as someone waiting in the First Class Passenger lounge at JFK before he boards his plane to Sun Valley.

Tom Friedman, man of the world, would have us believe we are responsible now for Iceland's irrational exhuberance, adding yet another cold victim to the catalog of the oppressed. And Sarah Palin, according to Mr. Friedman's New Math, doesn't measure up to the challenge of saving Iceland. How ironic, when you think about it.

Mr. Friedman, who describes Globalization 3.0 (snore)as making global corporations and world trade organizations and big central banks and other big, made up Bad Actors as irrelevant,is now frightened by the very thing he declaims must be allowed to roam at will - the "direct-from-the-bottom" free lancer, the entrepreneur, the wild man or woman of the post-Information age, blahdeblahblah. It was SBD's understanding from Mr. Friedman's blur of books that we were to get the Hell out of their way.
Again, beyond simply hewing to Mr. Friedman's preferred ideology of the gentle liberal fascist, nudging us with Cass Sunstein's velvet tipped whip, what exact executive experience does Barack Obama have that trumps the specific, in the trenches, nitty gritty performance of Mrs. Palin? Sydney Brillo Duodenum demands an itemized list.

Sydney Brillo Duodenum does not believe it will be coming anytime soon. (Heavy sigh)